Benefits of LED Lighting for schools and educational institutions

 It’s estimated that 70% of UK schools still operate with outdated fluorescent lighting. Did you know that light omitted from fluorescent bulbs can negatively impact students’ concentration and learning?
20 March 2025

What influence can school LED lighting have?

By transitioning from standard fluorescent lighting, there are several benefits of LED lighting in schools, libraries and other educational institutions that can result in a positive impact on learning, concentration, sustainability and reducing overall energy costs.

Improve mood and concentration

Several studies have found that lighting in educational environments can have a direct impact on student focus. Negative effects such as distraction, headaches or lack of focus can be caused by exposure to poor fluorescent or thermal lighting, which typically flickers or is too dim. The same effects can also be seen from LED lighting that is not Unified Glare Rated (UGR).
UGR-rated LED light fittings are designed to combat glare and improve visual comfort, this along with the correct colour temperature and light spectrum can enhance focus and promote ‘alertness’ by creating a more natural lighting environment. It’s important to note that existing LED fittings may not be UGR-rated and could also need upgrading.

Reduce energy consumption

As most school buildings operate with lighting fixtures across several classrooms and educational facilities for extended periods of time each day, traditional bulbs can be expensive to run. A transition to school LED lighting would help reduce overall energy usage on average by 80% according to the Department for Energy. LED lighting is more cost effective and requires less maintenance compared to traditional bulbs.

Enhance sustainability efforts

A reduction in energy usage is also beneficial for the environment as this means the premises will reduce its carbon footprint. As part of UK Net Zero initiatives, the Department for Energy is encouraging public sector buildings to make the switch to LED and this is reflected across various LED lighting grants for schools to help make the transition more accessible.

What LED lighting grants are available for schools?

According to the UK Government, more than 1,000 public sector buildings have already benefited from LED upgrades since recent grants became available. There are various LED lighting grants for schools, such as:

Learn more about LED grants provided by the UK Government

Upgrade to LED lighting with BES Group

Are you a school duty holder or facilities manager? Contact our electrical team today for a quotation on LED lighting for your school or educational facility. We can schedule LED lighting upgrades during school shutdown periods to minimise disruption and downtime and also incorporate additional electrical services such as Fixed Wire Testing, PAT Testing and Emergency Lighting upgrades.

Learn more about LED Lighting at BES Group

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