A guide to UK business EV charger grants 

With the use of electric vehicles continuing to rise, the UK Government is offering financial support to businesses and local authorities towards the installation of EV chargers. There are currently a number of incentives open to businesses in the UK, here we break them down so that you can see what grants are available for your premises.
20 March 2025

EV infrastructure grant for staff and fleets

Originally launched in April 2022, this EV grant is designed to help with the costs towards the installation of the charging infrastructure for small to medium sized businesses.  

What’s included?  

This grant covers 75% of the cost of the work, up to a maximum of £15,000.  For this, you can get:  

  • Up to £350 per charge point socket installed  
  • Up to £500 per parking space enabled with supporting infrastructure  

 You can receive up to 5 grants across 5 different sites.  

 Who is eligible?  

  • Any business with 249 employees or less that is registered at Companies House or VAT registered with HMRC.  
  • Your premises must be in the UK.  
  • The EV chargers are for staff only, not for members of the public.  
  • The parking space(s) must be private, off road and clearly defined.   
  • You must carry out work on at least 5 parking spaces, so they either have charge point sockets or are ready to have them installed in the future.  
  • You must use an OZEV-approved installer such as BES Group and an eligible commercial charge point.  
Find out more details about the EV infrastructure grant and how to apply

Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) Scheme


The LEVI grant is aimed at local authorities in the UK such as councils, unitary authorities and combined authorities. This grant is in place to help authorities plan and deliver EV charging infrastructure in areas where residents don’t have off-street parking.

What’s included?

£343 million capital funding is available between 2023 and 2025 to eligible tier 1 authorities. The grant aims to cover the cost of:

  • Hardware
  • Electrical connections
  • Civil engineering
  • Labour
  • Installation

Who is eligible?

This grant is open to tier 1 local authorities in England who are looking to offer:

  • EV charging to residents without off-street parking
  • Low powered charging points
  • Aimed mostly at local residents, not commercial or tourist vehicles

As part of the LEVI grant, authorities must also secure private funding to match the public funding.

Find out more details about the LEVI grant and how to start your application.

The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS)


The Workplace Charging Scheme is a UK government grant that provides financial support to businesses and public sector organisations towards the installation of EV chargers at their premises. The aim of the scheme is to provide accessible charging for employees and businesses fleets to encourage the use of electric vehicles.

What’s included?

This government grant covers 75% of the total installation costs which includes:

  • Up to £350 per chargepoint socket
  • A maximum of 40 sockets per applicant across all their sites

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for the WCS grant, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a UK based business, charity or public sector organisation
  • Own the property or have landlord permission to install an electric vehicle charger
  • Must have dedicated off-road private parking not for public use

The WSC can be used in conjunction with the EV infrastructure grant for staff and fleets which helps fund both the installation and the charger infrastructure.

Find out more on how to apply for a WCS grant

Commercial EV Charger Installation with BES Group


If you’re working towards a greener future for your business or want to increase your footfall, our team of expert technicians can work with you to create a comprehensive plan to include planning, installing and maintaining your EV charging points. We have experience across a variety of sectors including retailers, offices and schools and can work with those who are using a government grant.

Get in touch with our EV team today to find out more about our EV Installation service

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