Consumer Products
West Midlands
Product Testing
Mechanical Testing
BES Group & Trading Standards Work Together for Consumer Protection Triumph
Project Overview
Consumer products are in demand more than ever, and the importance of properly testing and labelling these products is crucial. It not only ensures safety and satisfaction of consumers, but also upholds the integrity of brands and manufacturers supplying the products to the market.
When products fail to comply with quality and safety requirements, then trading standards and local councils are compelled to intervene. This is a protective measure for both consumers rights and the public interest. Trading standards and councils work together to enforce regulations, conduct investigations, and take necessary actions against non-compliance products.
At BES Group, we pride ourselves in our relationship with trading standards in their continual effort to enforce compliance with legislation in areas such product safety, licensing and investigation of those trading outside the law.
The Challenge
A typical example of this is our involvement with a local Council in 2015, who were involved in a Trading Standards case investigating consumer complaints about various outlets that were selling elasticated luggage straps that were failing during use and causing injury to consumers.
BES Group partners with local authorities to address public complaints about a wide range of products, from household items like cooking utensils and barbecues to industrial tools, including machine fixtures, bearings, transmission components, and power tools. This collaboration not only safeguards consumers but also ensures a fair market environment for businesses.
The Solution
Our client sent us a selection of samples to be tested in our laboratory. The set was a 5-piece luggage strap and contained 5 individual straps;
- 1 large 90cm cord
- 2 medium 60cm cords
- 2 small 45cm cords
We were instructed to carry out proof load testing in accordance with BS AU 258:1995. As part of the trading standards investigation, we were also asked to provide a comprehensive test report and statement about the product’s quality, conformance and any failures or defects that were present.
This testing data would then be used as evidence to enable Trading Standards to successfully prosecute suppliers, stopping the sale of faulty goods which could cause serious injury or even death.
The Results
The failure load of each of the elasticated straps was well below the requirements of 400 Newtons, as specified in the standard BS AU 258:1995.
- Each elasticated strap failed at less than 130 Newtons, with the strap pulling out of the hook mounting.
The product warning labels and instructions for safe use did not conform with the requirements of BS AU 258:1995.
- A statement “WARNING! MAXIMUM FORCE LIMIT 60 NEWTONS” was present on the label, but the product should have been able to withstand forces up to 400 Newtons.
- The label was not waterproof, as it was printed on cardboard.
- The warning label featured incorrect sized lettering to the specified standard.
- There was no clarification about the product’s maximum length of use. “Do not overstretch the straps” was not adequate for the label specifications.
- There was no safety statement for keeping the eyes, face and unprotected areas of the body of out the rebound path.
- There was no statement advising against the use of securing heavy or large loads.
- The British standard was not referenced on the label.
Our examination of the luggage straps proved that the goods failed to comply with the standard requirements, and were not fit for purpose, resulting in the elasticated luggage straps being removed from sale and the supplier being convicted of selling an unsafe product to the public.
Key outcomes
Identified non-compliance
Testing revealed that the elasticated luggage straps failed to meet the required safety standards with a significant deficiency in load capacity
Safety information deficiencies
The product’s labelling was missing critical safety information for proper use and failure to reference the required British standard.
Regulatory action and consumer protection
The evidence led to the removal of the non-compliant luggage straps from the market and the conviction of the supplier for selling unsafe products
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