prepare your pressure equipment

Click on the boxes below for more information about how you need to prepare your specific pieces of equipment ahead of our Engineer Surveyor visit to your site.



Air receivers are in very wide spread use. They are commonly referred to as air compressors, air vessels, air tanks etc. They are found in garages and tyre repair depots and anywhere that requires compressed air. These items will come under the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.






Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Protective devices including safety valves and pressure gauge to be removed for testing.
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge.)
– Isolated from the power source.
– Depressurised completely and the inspection openings removed.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
Generally carried out at the same visit and after the part 1 when the equipment is rebuilt and pressurised and involves an external examination.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

The Out of Service examination and the Intermediate In service examination periodicities should be the same with the exception of air/oil receivers.


These vessels are typically associated with a compressor and are used to separate the oil from the air and recirculate the oil back to the compressor. They have a filter which should be changed under a routine maintenance program and our Thorough Part 1 examination can be coordinated with a service engineer. They are usually found in the same applications as normal air receivers and will come under the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000. They are excluded from examination if less than 250 bar litres in capacity

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Isolated from the source of power
– Depressurised completely and the inspection opening removed
(Typically a bolted top cover or plugs).
– Oil to be drained out and clean externally.
– Safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing.
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Generally carried out at the same visit and after the part 1 when the equipment is rebuilt and pressurised and involves an external examination.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

Usually at 24 months, an external examination is required and a check on the protective devices. The safety valve may require removal for testing if stated on the written scheme or last report.


Air-cooled aftercoolers use ambient air to cool the hot compressed air. The compressed air enters the
air-cooled aftercooler. The compressed air travels through either the spiral finned tube coil or a plate-fin coil design of the aftercooler while ambient air is forced over the cooler by a motor-driven fan.
The cooler, ambient air removes heat from the compressed air. Liquid water forms as the compressed air cools.
The moisture is removed by the moisture separator and drain valve

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
(Generally a non-invasive examination which may be supplemented with a hydraulic pressuretest.)
– Safety relief valve and pressure gauge removed for testing.
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safetyvalve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Generally carried out at the same visit after the part 1 and involves an external examination when pressurised.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

Dependent on the periodicity and what is within the WSE, the protective devices may require validation.

Heating Boilers


Atmospheric heating boilers are used to heat water but will not exceed a boiling temperature of 100 deg.C

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
(A non-invasive examination unless the client requests an internal examination)
– Can be inspected during operation or at rest.
(As it is at atmospheric pressure, there will not be any overpressure protective devices, however the Engineer Surveyor may request additional tests.)




Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

External only, periodicities may be the same, Engineer Surveyor may request documentation for maintenance carried out.


These items generate high pressure hot water and steam for industrial cleaning processes (e.g. vehicles, stone work). Some will require a water supply via a hose and other portable types may have a tank filled with water.






Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Self-contained steam boiler (Generates steam as part of the process).
– Cover to be removed to allow access to the steam boiler
– Removal of protective devices.
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing
(Client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge).

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2)
No internal steam boiler (Steaming aspect of the unit is generated by high pressure water being heated within a coil and released from the lance)
Does not fall within PSSR as there is no pressure vessel, no significant preparation is required for this examination.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 3)
(Both types) – the cleaner to be seen under working conditions and testing of any additional safety devices such as flame failure / temp controls

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

Examination of the external surfaces with no preparation required.


A standard boiler similar to one in your home, used to heat water.









Inspection Plant Prep

(A non-invasive examination unless the client requests an internal examination)
– Can be inspected during operation or at rest.
– Engineer Surveyor may require a review of maintenance records at examination.
(The boiler (including any associated safety relief valve and pressure gauge) should be maintained under a contract with a competent service provider)

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

External examination at work or rest. Only safe access required.


Calorifiers are used to store domestic hot water for usage in sinks and showers and are heated by hot water supplied from a heating boiler which passes through coils or tubes inside the vessel shell






Inspection Plant Prep

(A non-invasive examination unless the client requests an internal examination)
– Can be inspected during operation or at rest.
– Safety relief valve and pressure gauge removed for testing.
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

This examination will take the form of an external check for any issues and may also involve documentation checks for safety relief valves.

Additional Airplant


Driers are used in compressed air systems to remove moisture from the air after being compressed. In desiccant types, the moisture is trapped in the medium within the vessel and requires to be replenished periodically under maintenance. In refrigerated driers the hot air is cooled by a refrigerant gas to condense the moisture which is automatically removed and drained out periodically.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Desiccant Type Driers
Require the attendance of a maintenance engineer to prepare the vessel for internal examination and removal of drying medium (e.g. desiccant).
Review previous reports and WSE for if a non-invasive examination with thickness tests is to be carried out by our surveyor or NDT provider.



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge).
Refrigerated Type Driers
May require casings/covers to be removed to gain external access.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 3 )
Generally, examination will be completed at the same time.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

This examination will take the form of an external check for any issues and may also involve documentation checks for safety relief valves.


A sewage ejector pump, also called a pump-up ejector system, is used when a bathroom, laundry room or any other type of plumbing fixture is located below the level of the main sewer or septic line flowing from the building. … The wastewater is then pumped out of the vessel and up to the level of the sewer or septic line




Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Isolated from the source of power.
– Depressurised complete inspection openings removed.
(This is usually a top cover).
– Clean both internally and externally and safe access provided.
– Safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing.
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
-Generally carried out at the same visit and after the part 1 when the equipment is rebuilt and pressurised.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

Dependent on the periodicity and what is within the WSE, the protective devices may require validation.


This is a pressure vessel with an internal tube bundle, generally with cooling water flowing through it, used to cool the air around it all contained in an outer body/casing







Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
(Refer to previous reports and WSE, there may be the need to dismantle and remove the tube bundle or carry out a hydraulic pressure test).
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing.(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge if they wish to go down that route).

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Generally carried out at the same visit and after the part 1 when the equipment is rebuilt and pressurised.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

Dependent on the periodicity and what is within the WSE, the protective devices may require validation.


Expansion vessels are used in heating systems and cold water pumped systems. They contain both water and air separated by a rubber membrane or the water is contained in a rubber bag. In heating systems they allow the water to expand and contract when heated and cooled and reduce shock caused by water hammer




Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
This will be a non-invasive examination with thickness tests carried out by our
Engineer Surveyor
– Safety relief valve and pressure gauge to be removed for testing if possible.  (The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge.)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Generally examination will be completed at the same time.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

This examination will take the form of an external check for any issues and may also involve documentation checks for safety relief valves.

Shell Boilers


Blowdown vessels are used for the removal of water from a boiler.

Its purpose is to control boiler water parameters within prescribed limits to minimize scale, corrosion, carryover, and other specific problems. Blowdown is also used to remove suspended solids present in the system.





Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Isolated from any source of steam/hot water,
– Completely drained and opened up for inspection.
– Any pressure gauges should be removed for testing or certification provided from a qualified 3rd party.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– In service examination to complete the full out of service examination.
(Completed at a different date after the boiler has been reassembled and brought back into service).
– Qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) required

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

External examination at work.


Used to produce hot water for heating and other processes

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
(Refer to previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements).
– The boiler should be isolated from all sources of power, fuel and any other associated pressure plant.
– Should be cooled and drained down with all inspection doors and openings removed from both the steam and water side as well as the combustion side.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 continued )
– The fittings which will include the crown (main stop valve), blowdown valve, feed water check valve, safety valves and water level gauge glasses should be removed and stripped down into component pieces for inspection
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2)
– In service examination
– Suitably qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) required
– All the safety devices are tested to ensure correct operation (e.g. flame failure, high temp lock out, low pressure alarm)

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

Examination of the external surfaces with no preparation required.

Steam Boiler (including waste heat):

Steam generator
Steam coil boiler
Electrode steam boiler
Electric steam boiler


Steam boilers come in a variety of shapes and sizes but essentially they are used to boil water under pressure to convert to steam for heating in heat exchangers or for a site process.

The heat can come from either an oil or gas burner or biomass


Inspection Plant Prep

(Part 1)

(Refer to your previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required for the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements).
– Isolated from all sources of power, fuel and any other associated pressure plant.
– The boiler should be cooled and drained down

Inspection Plant Prep

(Part 1 Continued)– All inspection doors and openings removed from both the steam and water side and the combustion side and suitably cleaned to allow safe access.
– The fittings which will include the crown (main stop valve), blowdown valve, feed water check valve, safety valves and water level gauge glasses should be removed and stripped down into component pieces for inspection
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

(Part 2)
– In service examination.
– Qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) required
– All the safety devices are tested to ensure correct operation (safety valve lifted live with steam, water level alarms, gauge glasses tested, flame failure device)

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 In service examination.
– Qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) required
– All the safety devices are tested to ensure correct operation (safety valve lifted live with steam, water level alarms, gauge glasses tested, flame failure device)

Jacketed Vessel or Pan:

Rotary Cooker
Steam fired or heated cookers


Used for food production in kitchens or factories

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
(Refer to previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements, such as removal of insulation and cladding).
– Should be suitably isolated from all sources of heat or pressure and safe access provided.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 continued )
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2)
Can carry this out at the same visit as the part 1 provided it can be repressurised at that time, otherwise a separate visit will be required to carry out the part 2.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

External examination either at work or rest

Hydrostatic steriliser:

Rotary Cooker
Steam fired or heated cookers


Used for food production in kitchens or factories

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )


(Refer to previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements, such as removal of insulation and cladding). >
– Should be suitably isolated from all sources of heat or pressure and safe access provided.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 continued )
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2)
Can carry this out at the same visit as the part 1 provided it can be repressurised at that time, otherwise a separate visit will be required to carry out the part 2.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

External examination either at work or rest

Steam Pipework:

Steam heated plate heat exchanger


To transport steam around premises






Inspection Plant Prep

(Part 1)
Generally steam pipework will be protected from overpressure by upstream equipment such as the boiler, but it may have its own safety valve and pressure gauge.

A non-invasive examination but the examination may be supplemented thickness testing (either by the surveyor or an NDT provider depending on the written scheme details) removal of lagging, other NDT, a hydraulic pressure test or other requirements as identified in the scheme or last report.

Inspection Plant Prep

(Part 1 continued)
– Safety valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing (If has its own as per above)
The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge. Steam heated plate heat exchangers with rubber seals, may require the seals to be replaced periodically – see WSE.

Inspection Plant Prep

(Part 2)
This is generally carried out at the same visit after the part 1 provided it is pressurised and involves an external examination. If not, a further Part 2 follow up examination will be required within 28 days of the part 1

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

External examination at work.


Thermal oil boiler


Used to raise boiler feedwater temperature to improve efficiency

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
(Refer to previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements, such as removal of insulation and cladding or bends).
– Should be isolated from all sources of heat and water,
– Inspection doors and panels should be removed and ventilated, and the heating surfaces suitably cleaned

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 continued )
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing,
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2)
– In service examination.
– suitably qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) required with the economiser at work.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

External examination will be either at work or rest
– May at the discretion of the Competent Person (inspection) involve the operation of the protective devices.


Used to raise steam temperature above the saturated temperature by adding heat.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
(Refer to previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements, such as removal of insulation and cladding)
– Should be isolated from all sources of heat,

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 continued )
– Safe access should be provided and the heating surfaces suitably cleaned
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2)
This will require suitably qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) in attendance with the superheater under pressure.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

External examination will be either at work or rest
– May at the discretion of the Competent Person (inspection) involve the operation of the protective devices.


Generally used to raise water temperature for showers, taps and heating

Inspection Plant Prep

(Part 1)
(Refer to previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements, such as removal of insulation and cladding, or the removal of the tube bundle)




Inspection Plant Prep

(Part 1 continued)

– Should be isolated from all forms of heat or water and safe access provided
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing.

(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

(Part 2)
This will require suitably qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) in attendance with the superheater under pressure.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

External examination at work.

Steam Receiver:

Steam hand iron
Steam heated battery/plenum
Tank with steam coil
Steam corrugated roll
Steam heated platen/buck
Steam heated drying roll
Steam heated ironing machine
Steam heated wort copper
Steam plate coil


Steam receivers are vessels that act as a storage vessel for steam (steam accumulators) or utilize the heat from steam for a specific purpose such as heating feedwater to drive off non-condensable gases (e.g. deaerator). The picture is of a deaerator

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Refer to previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements, such as removal of insulation and cladding

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 continued )
– Should be isolated from the source of pressure and heat
– Depressurised completely and the inspection openings removed, these may be oval hand hole inspection doors, inspection plugs or flanged plates.
– Cleaned internally
– Safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing.
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2)
– Examination at work to prove the correct operation of the protective devices
– Attendance of qualified personnel required

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

This would be an external examination either at work or rest.

Protective device

Safety valve:

Relief valve
Bursting disc


Designed to protect a vessel or system from exceeding its safe operating limit

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Refer to previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection
– Item may require to be removed and stripped down for visual inspection or to be overhauled and tested by an accredited or certified test house.



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2)
– Examination at work to prove the correct operation of the protective devices
– Attendance of qualified personnel required

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

This would be an external examination either at work or rest.

Steam tube oven / Steam tubed plate

Steam tube oven

Steam tubed plate


Used for food production and bakeries

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
This will be a non-invasive examination, but the examination may be supplemented with thickness testing (either by the surveyor or an NDT provider depending on the written scheme details).
Removal of brickwork/casings/coverings/burner door, other NDT, or other will be identified in the WSE and previous reports.


Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2)
Generally carried out at the same visit after the part 1 provided it is pressurised and involves an external examination and test of the protective devices. If not, a further Part 2 follow up examination will be required within 28 days of the part 1

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

This would be an external examination either at work or rest.


Steam Autoclave

(Steam Fed and Self Generating)


Found in hospitals, clinics, tattoo studios, dentists, vets and podiatry clinics to sterilise equipment. They may be found in schools to sterilise Petri dishes

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Refer to your previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements.


Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2)
– Should be isolated from any source of heat or power 
– Inspection panels removed and any internal fittings or panels are also removed.
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

Can be carried out either at work or rest and at the discretion of the Competent Person (Inspection), may require suitable personnel to operate and demonstrate the interlocks and protective devices.


Use to transport non-hazardous substances (e.g. foodstuffs, water, sewage) on the public road

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Completely drained and opened up for inspection,
Protective devices (e.g. safety valve, pressure gauge, bursting disc) to be removed for testing or suitably certified replacements to be fitted




Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2)
Generally carried out at the same visit after the part 1
Qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) required

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

External examination at work

Water Tube Steam Boilers

This type of plant is generally covered by a WSE which should include a Pre and Post Outage Review meeting where the requirements are discussed by the client, Engineer Surveyors and, if required, a member of the Pressure Technical Support Team.
The request for an Out of Service Examination must be referred to the Pressure Technical Support Team.

Gas Holders

Please check and ensure that the Engineer Surveyors being allocated this type of plant has the correct authorisation. 






Gas Vessels

Ammonia Refrigeration Plant:

Ammonia plate heat exchanger (incl. shell & plate type and shell and tube type)


Ammonia refrigeration systems are, as the name implies, a system of refrigeration that uses ammonia. The ammonia is the chemical that is used to absorb the heat from one area, and bring it to another area to dissipate






Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
(Refer to your previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection)
– The out of service examination is classed as a non-invasive examination,
– A review of the maintenance documentation and certification of the protective devices may be requested.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 Continued)
NDT will be required to vessels on the high pressure side of the system, (reference should be made to the current WSE and previous report).
– Plate heat exchangers with rubber seals may require the seals to be replaced at periodic intervals – see WSE

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
Generally carried out at the same visit and after the part 1 when the equipment is rebuilt and pressurised and involves an external examination.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

The intermediate in service examination will consist of an external examination either at work or rest, it shouldn’t be necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.


Storage for Anhydrous ammonia, a colourless gas with pungent, suffocating fumes, which is used as an agricultural fertilizer and industrial refrigerant.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Isolated from all possible sources,
– Depressurised, drained down and cleaned out.
– Inspection doors and ports should be opened and removed.
(Refer to previous reports and WSE should be reviewed to check if any additional tests such as NDT have been requested).




Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 Continued)
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing,
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Review of test certification of the protective devices and the maintenance history.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.


A vessel for storing Carbon Dioxide gas, often used in the drinks industry

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
It may be necessary to carry out a low temperature assessment, this will require input from Technical Consultancy, so prior to arranging this inspection, please contact our Technical Consultancy team via

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 continued)
– Should be completely isolated from all possible sources,
– Depressurised and drained down and cleaned out.

– Inspection doors and ports should be opened and removed.
(Refer to previous reports and WSE should be reviewed to check if any additional tests such as NDT have been requested).



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
-The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing,
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.

Liquid Vessels


A vessel for storing chlorine gas and liquid






Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Should be completely isolated from all possible sources,
– Depressurised and drained down and cleaned out.
– Inspection doors and ports should be opened and removed.
(Refer to previous reports and WSE should be reviewed to check if any additional tests such as NDT have been requested)



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 Continued)
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing,
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Review of test certification of the protective devices and the maintenance history.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection


A vessel for storing liquefied petroleum

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Should be completely isolated from all possible sources,
– Depressurised and drained down and cleaned out.
– Inspection doors and ports should be opened and removed.
(Refer to previous reports and WSE should be reviewed to check if any additional tests such as NDT have been requested).



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 Continued)
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing,
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)
(A TechCon contract should be set up to ensure the safe operating limits are either established or reviewed as acceptable by a head office engineer)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Review of test certification of the protective devices and the maintenance history.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.

Carbon Vessels

Vacuum insulation storage vessel

(e.g. nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon)


Used to store liquified gases for processes






Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
This examination will generally be a non-invasive external examination and review of documentation supplied by the client. The previous reports and WSE should be reviewed to check if any additional tests such as NDT have been requested.



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 Continued)
The protective devices (e.g. safety relief valves / bursting discs / pressure indicators/alarms) should be renewed or tested to confirm suitability as required by the WSE.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
Review of test certification of the protective devices and the maintenance history.
NOTE: Revalidation to British Compressed Gas Association guidance CP39 is required when 20 years old – this requires a Tech Con contract.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.
Protective devices will require renewal / testing as required by the WSE



Pipelines for cross country transportation of fluids or from one premises to another






Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
This examination will generally be a non-invasive external examination and review of documentation supplied by the client. The previous reports and WSE should be reviewed to check if any additional tests such as NDT / confirmation of cathodic protection systems have been requested.



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 Continued)
The protective devices (e.g. safety relief valves / bursting discs / pressure indicators/alarms) should be renewed or tested to confirm suitability as required by the WSE

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
Review of test certification of the protective devices and the maintenance history.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.

Gas cylinders permanently installed

TRANSPORTABLE VESSELS WILL NOT FALL UNDER PSSR AND REQUIRE INSPECTION TO ADR/CDG REGULATIONS. If on contracts to inspect, it will be an external visual condition assessment only and check of protective devices and issuing a non-PSSR report).
For permanently installed cylinders/vessels which are owned by the user and filled on site


Gas storage system – can be used for a variety of purposes (e.g. fire suppression, generator cooling, breathing air)






Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Review previous reports and WSE to determine the course of action for the Out of Service examination, it may involve an internal and external examination, hydraulic testing by qualified test house or a Risk Based Inspection.
– Documentation required along with evidence of suitability of the protective devices.



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Should be carried out on the same visit, especially for wind turbines due to access issues
– Review of documentation and validation for the protective devices.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

In service examination will be an external visual and, where required by the WSE, validation of the protective devices.

Refrigeration system


Refrigeration systems are used for air conditioning /climate control and for process cooling






Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Out of service non-invasive examination also involves a review of the maintenance documentation and certification of the protective devices. In order to collate the safety valve certification and review the maintenance documentation, normally be completed at a later date.



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
Review of test certification of the protective devices and the maintenance history.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.

Riveted Boilers



 Lancashire is a horizontal, stationary fired tube boiler.
The flue gases flow through the fire tube, situated inside the boiler shell, so it is a fire tube boiler. This boiler generates low pressure steam.
The Cornish Boiler is the same but with only one flue.


Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Refer to your previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements such as removal of insulation, baring of seams, removal of seating blocks.
– Should be isolated from all sources of power, fuel and any other associated pressure plant.  

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 Continued)
– Cooled and drained down with all inspection doors and openings removed from the steam, water side and the combustion side.
– The steam and water side along with the combustion side should be suitably cleaned to allow the surfaces to be inspected

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 Continued)
– Fittings – the crown (main stop valve), blowdown valve, feed water check valve, safety valves, fusible plug(s) and water level gauge glasses should be removed and stripped down into component pieces
(Or can supply suitably accredited test house overhauls and provide valid certification).

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
In service examination to complete the full out of service examination. this will require suitably qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) in attendance with the boiler at work.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

The periodicities will be the same, so unless there is a technical justification, there will be no Intermediate In service examination.

Horizontal Multitubular Steam Boiler of Riveted Construction

Please check and ensure that the surveyor being allocated this type of plant has the correct authorisation – At 10 years it will require NDT & Hydraulics Test.


A heritage horizontal, stationary fired tube boiler. The flue gases flow through the fire tube, situated inside the boiler shell, so it is a fire tube boiler. This boiler generates low pressure steam.



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Refer to your previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements such as removal of insulation, baring of seams, complete tube removal.
– Should be isolated from all sources of power, fuel and any other associated pressure plant.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1  Continued)
– Cooled and drained down with all inspection doors and openings removed from the steam, water side and the combustion side.
– The steam and water side along with the combustion side should be suitably cleaned to allow the surfaces to be inspected

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1  Continued)
– Fittings – the crown (main stop valve), blowdown valve, feed water check valve, safety valves, fusible plug(s) and water level gauge glasses should be removed and stripped down into component pieces
(Or can supply suitably accredited test house overhauls and provide valid certification).

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
In service examination to complete the full out of service examination. this will require suitably qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) in attendance with the boiler at work.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

The periodicities will be the same, so unless there is a technical justification, there will be no Intermediate In service examination.

Vertical Cross Tube or Multitubular Steam Boiler of Riveted Construction

Please check and ensure that the surveyor being allocated this type of plant has the correct authorisation.
At 10 years it will require NDT & Hydraulics Test.


Heritage vertical boiler of cross tube construction typically used in conjunction with machinery and is typically fired by coal



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Refer to your previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements such as removal of insulation, baring of seams,

– Should be isolated from all sources of power, fuel and any other associated pressure plant.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1  Continued)
– Cooled and drained down with all inspection doors and openings removed from the steam, water side and the combustion side.
– The steam and water side along with the combustion side should be suitably cleaned to allow the surfaces to be inspected

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1  Continued)
– Fittings – the crown (main stop valve), blowdown valve, feed water check valve, safety valves, fusible plug and water level gauge glasses should be removed and stripped down into component pieces
(Or can supply suitably accredited test house overhauls and provide valid certification).

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
In service examination to complete the full out of service examination. this will require suitably qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) in attendance with the boiler at work.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

The periodicities will be the same, so unless there is a technical justification, there will be no Intermediate In service examination.

Riveted / Welded Boilers

Locomotive Type Boiler of Riveted/Welded Construction

Please check and ensure that the Engineer Surveyor being allocated this type of plant has the correct authorisation.
At 10 years it will require NDT & Hydraulics Test.


Heritage boilers usually either managed by preservation organisations / societies and operated on railways or private owners operating traction engines on roadways. The boiler generates steam for propulsion and is typically fired by coal


Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Refer to your previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements such as removal of insulation, baring of seams, removal from the frame, complete tube removal,
– Should be isolated from all sources of power, fuel and any other associated pressure plant.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 Continued)
– Cooled and drained down with all inspection doors and openings removed from the steam, water side and the combustion side.
– The steam and water side along with the combustion side should be suitably cleaned to allow the surfaces to be inspected,

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 Continued)
– Fittings – The blowdown valve, feed water check valve, safety valves, water level gauge glasses and fusible plug(s) should be removed and stripped down into component pieces
(Or can supply suitably accredited test house overhauls and provide valid certification).

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
In service examination to complete the full out of service examination. this will require suitably qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) in attendance with the boiler at work.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

The periodicities will be the same, so unless there is a technical justification, there will be no Intermediate In service examination.

Sentinal Type Vertical Boiler

Please check and ensure that the Engineer Surveyor being allocated this type of plant has the correct authorisation


Sentinal boilers are normally used in heritage road vehicles for propulsion and are typically fired by coal



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Refer to your previous reports and WSE to check for any additional removal of parts or testing that may be required at the upcoming inspection, this may involve NDT or hydraulic testing or other requirements such as removal of insulation, baring of seams.

At 10 years it will require removal from the vehicle and split into its component parts, NDT and hydraulic testing

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1  Continued)
– Should be isolated from all sources of power, fuel and any other associated pressure plant.
– Cooled and drained down with all inspection doors and openings removed from the steam, water side and the combustion side.
– The steam and water side along with the combustion side should be suitably cleaned to allow the surfaces to be inspected

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1  Continued)
– Fittings – the crown (main stop valve), blowdown valve, feed water check valve, safety valves and water level gauge glasses should be removed and stripped down into component pieces
(Or can supply suitably accredited test house overhauls and provide valid certification).

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
In service examination to complete the full out of service examination. this will require suitably qualified/trained operator(s) or contractor(s) in attendance with the boiler at work.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

The periodicities will be the same, so unless there is a technical justification, there will be no Intermediate In service examination.

Hydraulic Accumulators


A hydraulic accumulator is a pressure storage reservoir in which a non-compressible hydraulic fluid is held under pressure that is applied by an external source. For PSSR application, the external source will be either dry air or an inert gas such as Nitrogen.




Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Review previous reports and WSE to determine the course of action for the Out of Service examination, may involve an internal and external examination or a Risk Based Inspection.
– Engineer Surveyor will need to review the relevant documentation along with evidence of suitability of the protective devices.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Should be carried out at the same visit as the part 1, especially for wind turbines due to access issues.
– Review of documentation and validation for the protective devices.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

In service examination will be an external visual and, where required by the WSE, validation of the protective devices.



A calorifier is an indirect-fired water heater to provide hot water in a heating and hot water system. Indirect fired means the water heater does not contain a burner, but it may have supplementary electric immersion heating. It is a storage water cylinder with one or more heat exchanger coils which contain hot liquids (water or solar fluid). See also calorifiers above


Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Refer to the previous reports, may need to dismantle and remove the tube bundle or carry out a hydraulic pressure test.
– Should be isolated from all forms of heat or water and be suitably prepared,
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing.
(The client may supply suitable test certification from an accredited test house for the safety valve and pressure gauge)

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– In-service external working examination to check the integrity of the vessel when repressurised.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.


See B03 Non-PSSR calorifiers above.


Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– A non-invasive examination unless the client requests an internal examination
– Can be inspected during operation or at rest.

– Engineer Surveyor may require reviewing maintenance records at examination.
(The boiler, including any associated safety relief valve and pressure gauge, should be maintained under a contract with a competent service provider

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.


Water in the cylinder may be supplied direct from a hot water boiler.  Hot water in the cylinder is typically used to supply hot water to a process (e.g. laundry) or for space heating. Water temperature is above 110 deg.C


Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Refer to the previous reports, may need to dismantle and remove the tube bundle or carry out a hydraulic pressure test.
– Should be isolated from all forms of heat or water and be suitably prepared,
– The safety relief valve and pressure gauge should be removed for testing.



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– A separate visit is required
– review of safety valve test certificates if not tested or recertified at the part 1 and an external examination.



Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.


Water in the cylinder is topped up from the header tank in the loft which in turn is kept topped from the mains. Water in the cylinder is heated either by an electric immersion heater (direct) or supplied direct from a hot water boiler.  Hot water in the cylinder is used to supply the heating or hot water. Water temperature is typically below 100 deg.C and around 60degC

Inspection Plant Prep

– A non-invasive examination unless the client requests an internal examination
– Can be inspected during operation or at rest.
– Engineer Surveyor may require review of maintenance records at examination.
(The boiler, including any associated safety relief valve and pressure gauge, should be maintained under a contract with a competent service provider)

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.

Canteen Boilers


A modern commercial steam oven is designed to steam cook large quantities of food over multiple shelves. This locks in the nutrients and flavours whilst retaining the food texture and preventing flavour transfer to other foodstuffs in the oven.

Catering steam ovens are hugely powerful and are usually considered a primary appliance in the professional kitchen. Whilst typical dishes cooked in a steam oven would be fish, vegetables or desserts, some chefs use the appliance to cook all these dishes simultaneously.

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Should be isolated and drained
– If there is a separate steam boiler this should be opened up.
– Visual examination checking the door fittings and any interlocks fitted along with any maintenance records.
(The protective devices will be an open vent and door interlock mechanisms).

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Examination will be completed while item is at work.
– Door interlocks will be checked.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

The periodicities will be the same, so unless there is a technical justification, there will be no Intermediate In service examination.

Bain Marie

(These units may have a separate steam boiler supplying the steam to tubes or an electrical element, submerged in the water bath).


Used in canteens and restaurants, to keep food warm. The food tray rests in a bath of hot water, which is heated by electrical elements or steam coils


Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )

Separate steam boiler
– isolating and draining
– Opened up if possible
(If steam is supplied to the coils/tubes, these will require a hydraulic test usually every 2nd thorough examination, typically every 48-50 months)






Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 Continued )

Electrical Element
– Visual examination checking any fittings and interlocks fitted along with any maintenance records

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )

– The Bain Marie should be seen at work.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

 External examination either at work or rest.
Not necessary for outside third parties to be present to prepare any plant for inspection.


Used to make hot drinks such as coffee and tea, and found in cafes and restaurants


Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Should be isolated, cooled and drained down and the inspection openings removed, this may be the electrical element.
– The protective devices should be removed for testing or replaced with a new suitably sized and set valve accompanied with test certification.






Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Should be at work.
– The presence of an operator/technician is required



Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

The periodicities will be the same, so unless there is a technical justification, there will be no Intermediate In service examination

GRP Tanks / Vessels

GRP Tank / GRP Vessel

(Check previous reports or WSE as internal examination might be required)


Used to store aggressive chemicals and substances

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– If an internal examination is required.
– Should be isolated, cooled and drained down and the inspection openings removed.
– Any protective devices fitted should be removed for testing or replaced with a new suitably sized and set valve accompanied with test certification.



Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Should be at work.
– The presence of an operator/technician is required

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

This will be an external visual examination and check on the protective devices

LPG Road Tanker / Carbon Dioxide Road Tanker


Written schemes


Glass Pressure Vessels


Used in laboratories or the pharma sector to process aggressive chemicals and substances

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
– Should be isolated, depressurised completely
– Made available for internal and external inspection.
– Protective devices such as relief valves and bursting discs to be renewed or suitably replaced wit certified units .




Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
– Carried out at the same visit as the part 1, but if not a separate visit will be required within 28 days of the part 1 when the equipment is rebuilt and pressurised and involves an external examination.

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

If required, this will be an external visual examination and check of the protective devices

Steel Tanks


Atmospheric tanks in range of sizes from small to very large, are used to store various substances from fuel oils to chemicals

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Internal examination,
Should be isolated, drained and proved gas safe to enter and safe entry provided,
External visual
check of any venting and process controls.




Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
The out of service examination may be done in conjunction with a Scheme of Examination and/or an RBI (Risk Based Inspection)

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

This will be an external visual examination.

Plastic Tanks


Atmospheric tanks in range of sizes from small to very large, are used to store various substances from fuel oils to chemicals

Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 1 )
Internal examination,
Should be isolated, drained and proved gas safe to enter and safe entry provided,
External visual
check of any venting and process controls.




Inspection Plant Prep

( Part 2 )
The out of service examination may be done in conjunction with a Scheme of Examination and/or an RBI (Risk Based Inspection)

Intermediate Inspection Plant Prep

This will be an external visual examination.